Clean Comedian, MC, Voice Talent, and more...

Comedian and Master of Ceremonies for all occasions, plus...
Welcome folks, to my constant work in progress: My Website.

Are you looking for a clean comedian for an event? A Master of Ceremonies sought by the Olympics? A national radio voice to be remembered? I know those people and they are me.

Seeking something a little different? How about a corporate comedian who'll analyze your business, create a custom-made PowerPoint slide show, then present himself as an expert consultant with great new ideas to improve efficiency, increase profits, retain customer loyalty and more.

​It's all nonsense, of course, but it's a great way to break up a weekend conference, refresh the minds of the participants, and possibly generate new creative energy for your company.​​
With over a quarter of a century of experience I got the chops to rock your gig. Seriously. Clean enough for church, but I'll make you think dirty. And, I'll make you think.

                  So what are you waiting for? ​​Pick up the phone and call 778 - 847- 5653  That's 778 - VIP - JOKE
                  Or, if you prefer the email thing,